• T.H. Tsurkan
Keywords: community, society, school, community development


The article describes the concept of the school community and considers the significance of its creation for the social and emotional well-being of each child in an educational institution and beyond. It has been found that students with a strong sense of community at school are likely to be academically motivated; act ethically and altruistically; develop social and emotional competences; avoiding problematic forms of behavior. In order to facilitate student achievement at secondary schools, it is necessary to involve parents in the education of children, out-of-school institutions and the community for the well-being of students and the stability of families.

The main elements of the strategy of the “school community” are presented: the focus on education; involvement in school, family and community, additional hours and extended learning opportunities, continuous support for a productive adult life, improvement, sustainable development, transformation of the whole school.

The author outlines approaches to the formation of the school community and outlines several key measures for implementation: active development of respectful supporting relationships between pupils, teachers and parents; underscoring common goals and ideals; provision of regular opportunities for cooperation; providing opportunities for autonomy.

It has been established that school communities combine multi-faceted resources that are necessary for children, families and communities who are trying to meet new educational requirements. These schools provide services, support and opportunities that are important for the healthy development of all children, in addition to providing the diverse and attractive curriculum that is needed by students who make up the future workforce of the country and its core potential.


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