• V.R. Kosiuk
Keywords: active development methods, creative artistic abilities of future designers, vocational training process, organizational and methodological pedagogical conditions for development of abilities


The article reveals the problem of introducing into the process of professional preparation of future designers of active teaching methods for the development of creative artistic abilities. The concept of active teaching methods is revealed. The characteristic of advantages of using active methods of teaching in comparison with traditional methods for activating thinking and creative behavior of the future designer, which, in turn, stimulates the development of their creative artistic abilities is provided. The expediency of the use of active learning methods as a component of creating organizational and methodological conditions for the transformation of potential creative artistic abilities of future designers into realized through the implementation of their own creative artistic activity. A classification of active methods for the development of creative artistic abilities of future designers in the process of professional training is proposed. The characteristic of imitating and non-imitating active teaching methods that are appropriate to use in the process of training future designers for the development of their creative artistic abilities is given. The characteristic of the method of projects and the method of group design as the basis for the professional training process is given. The given method forms the artistic and project thinking of the future designer, creativity, promotes the improvement of technical skills and helps to determine the direction of future professional activities. The essence of the active method of using problematic exercises (tasks) of professional content is described in detail. The characteristic of two types of problem exercises (tasks) of professional content for future designers is given, depending on their orientation. The method of "Analysis of the artistic works of the national heritage" is characterized, which is proposed to be used to attract future designers to study the diversity of achievements of national and world culture with the simultaneous formation of a professional understanding of stylistic differences in the organization of the environment among different peoples.


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