The article deals with the higher educational nonlinguistic (agrarian) institution students’ motivation in studying a foreign language as a necessary component of educational process. The main ways, methodology and the newest approaches in students motivating to master a foreign language at nonlinguistic (agrarian) institutions are analyzed. The use of new information technologies for theforeign languages teaching contributes to the educational process intensification;it increases both the learning effectiveness and students’ interest, activates the students’ educational activities, opens up opportunities for individual learning, gives the opportunity to control the results of performing various tasks, creates conditions for the practical use of knowledge and skills, enhances the motivation of language learning providing an effective visualization of the learning process.
The formation of motives for foreign language studying is a compulsory element of the teachers’ work. They must persuade students in the importance and necessity of learning a foreign language in modern conditions; the content of the classes should correspond to the professional, age, individual and group needs of students, developing their cognitive interest, creating a situation of success that will stimulate students to further achievements by studying a foreign language.
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