• Vira Petrivna Brednova
  • Olha Mykhailivna Smychkovska
  • Iryna Mykolaivna Prokhorets
Keywords: graphic training, professional to the competences, monitoring of the quality of training, students of architectural and artistic specialties


In the article, actuality of research of questions of reformation is certain in the system of higher education, including from the point of view of improvement of modern principles of teaching of graphic disciplines cre­ation of that assists forming of professional graphic competence students of architectural and artistic special­ties. The forward process of improvement of educational activity produces new requirements to educating, in particular to his quality constituent, in this connection there is a necessity of development of mechanisms of the permanent monitoring of progress.

The model of education on the nearest future plugs in itself one of directions beginning such type of edu­cating, that is characterized the considerable volume of independent work and active bringing in of students of creative specialties to the real projects, already from the first course, that it is impossible without steady skills individual graphic competence.

In the last few years the circle of tasks that can be decided by graphic methods broadened, from meaning­fulness of graphic disciplines that mortgage bases of the spatial thinking is accordingly enhance able therefore. Formation at higher school of creative atmosphere assists satisfaction of intentions of students in indepen­dence, active cognition new and desire to apply the obtained knowledge in practice. Clear that for the positive decision of task about successful graphic preparation already on the initial stage of studies clear organization of individual and independent work of students, that will be sent to development of functions of measurement with naked eye, skills of supervisions and perception, professional movement and others like that, is needed. The basic going near the improvement of forming of graphic competence is considered authors on the example of long-term researches in the process of teaching the students of the first-second courses of graphic disciplines in Architectonically artistic institute of the Odesa state academy of building and architecture and in the Piv­dennoukrainskomu national pedagogical university of the name of K.D. Ushinskogo, and also on the stage of dovuzivskoy graphic preparation of university entrants.

Professional knowledge is objective necessary knowledge and abilities that is highly sought by future prac­tical activity.


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