• Lesіa Bogdanovna Koltok
  • Lilia Grigorevna Staihiv
Keywords: natural science education, lessons of thinking, lessons in nature, admiration of nature, observation of nature, junior school age, techniques of thinking organization


In the article the analysis and theoretical generalization of the pedagogical heritage of V. Sukhomlynsky are carried out, the actuality of natural science education for the development and upbringing of the child is elucidated, it is determined that the lessons in nature are an effective way for the formation of natural qualities in junior pupils.

Today is the time to find more accurate psychological effects on the spiritual world of the child, namely the knowledge of the world through direct communication between the child and nature. The admiration of nature is rather complicated process. It is not just observing its objects and the phenomenon or fixing changes in the environment and their explanation in terms of causal relationships. The admiration of beauty means to make her as a subject of special attention, spiritually connect with it. The admiration necessarily provides for a moment of appreciation. But the most important is that aesthetic parameters are dominated in this assessment.

The technology of conducting lessons of admiration of nature is more different from the regular school lesson or excursion and requires from teacher the high pedagogical culture, because during this lesson chil­dren receive not so much nominative as emotionally-sensual and artistically-shaped information about nature, which provides proper level of comprehension of aesthetic significance of environment.

The analysis of pedagogical sources suggests that the influence of nature on the child's body also has a health effect, since the natural environment is calming, removes irritability and stress, stimulates the influx of forces, improves both the emotional and physical condition of the child. As evidence of scientific and pedagogical and psychological and methodical literature, children of junior school age, who are often in the natural environment, are less ill, they are energetic and cheerful, they have more developed aesthetic sensations and tastes.

Pedagogical heritage V. Sukhomlynsky contains valuable theoretical and practical provisions that should be used in the process of education and upbringing of junior pupils. In the context of reforming modern education, it is imperative to serve the ideas of an outstanding teacher. Today, in front of the Ukrainian school and teacher, an important issue is the transformation of education into an interesting, fascinating process of knowing the child of the world around us.


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