• Nataliia Vitaliivna Ashykhmina
Keywords: prospective music teachers, competency, competence, specialty, special competence, special and oriented environment, actualization of the value of special development, self-organization of special education, self-education, external teaching influences


The article reveals a problem of formation of special competence of students of artistic and pedagogical universities. Focused attention that the determination of ways to decide this problem is a prerequisite for the training of competitive specialists in the labor market. The author clarified, that the competence of the individ­ual, in the general sense, is the amount of knowledge and skills acquired during the training process and struc­ tured in a special way The special competence of future music teachers is the system of special knowledge, skills, values and personal qualities mastered by students that meets the requirements of special training within the framework of art-pedagogical higher education and provides competent performance of special activity.

According to the author, the formation of the investigated phenomenon is a goal-oriented continuous phase-by-step process of personal progressive transformation and improvement, which adequated to the require­ments of professional music and pedagogical activity

The article defines four pedagogical conditions for the formation of special competence of future music teachers. In particular, it was emphasized that this process takes place through the implementation of the students’ competencies in practice, that is, the first condition involves the development of measures for the creation of a special and oriented environment directly in the artistic and educational process. Attention is drawn to the fact that the formation of special competence is caused by internal motives of the individual. This process has a purposeful continuous character of qualitative changes and in it the person takes an active position, and organized external influences activate its progressive changes. Consequently, the second peda­gogical condition should be aimed at increasing the positive special motivation of students, which involves the creation of measures to actualization of the value of special development. The third condition for the formation of special competence of prospective music teachers is the inclusion of students in self-organization of special education, self-education and self-improvement. Organized external teaching influences, which activate the personal special and progressive changes of students, is the fourth educational condition, which will facilitate the optimization of the process of forming the special competence of prospective music teachers.


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