• Valentyna Fedorivna Kudriavtseva
  • Iryna Viktorivna Shvetsova
Keywords: Maritime English, standard marine communication phrases, IMO, logically sequenced and methodologically justified system of exercises and tasks


The paper studies some aspects of systematic study of standard phrases for communication at sea. The main attention of researchers is focused on the need to respect the safety of work on the ship, by reproducing standard phrases for communicating at sea in appropriate situations as accurately as possible in order to avoid doubtful understanding of information during communication.

The article provides types of exercises / tasks for studying standard phrases and their sequencing in the learning process. The current study investigates the possibility of studying standard phrases for communica­tion at sea by students whose English is not common in communicative lessons from the Maritime English language. The article outline the list of phrases needed to study the students. The study showed that the teach­ing of students to standard phrases for communication at sea should be done on the basis of real practice in the marine industry and through the application of appropriate modern language learning methods. The authors point out that the study of standard phrases should be carried out systematically and consistently, for which it is necessary to develop a thematically oriented and methodically grounded system of tasks and the sequence of their implementation

Based on the analysis of the phrases that are necessary for study, according to the content modules, exam­ples of tasks on the e-learning platform Moodle, which facilitate their effective assimilation, are given. In order to test students' knowledge and skills, as well as how to use the standard phrases for communication at sea, test assignments were developed and posted on the e-learning platform Moodle. The results of the study indicate that students' standard phrases for communication in the sea should be taught based on actual prac­tice and through the use of appropriate modern methods of language learning. In addition to controlled and partially controlled exercises, students should be able to independently identify the content of conversations using standard phrases for communication in the language based on detailed descriptions of situations, role cards, and previous practice on the ship. The study of standard phrases should be carried out systematically and consistently, for which it is necessary to develop a thematically oriented and methodologically sound system of tasks and the sequence of their execution.

The research showed that students' study of standard phrases proves applied orientation, operational effec­tiveness, and motivated students to perform tasks.


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