• Elvira Oleksandrivna Manzhos
Keywords: foreign language communication, motivation, motivational factor, foreign language culture, communicative culture of the future specialist, communication


The article deals with the problem of the developing of foreign language communicative culture of future specialists of economic sphere. It has been proved that high demands for professional training of specialists put forward worthy tasks before high school, one of which is the search for effective methods of developing the foreign language communicative culture of future economic specialists.

Recently, Ukraine's foreign policy is aimed at deepening international economic relations with the sur­rounding world, therefore, the problems of professional communication with foreign partners are actualized and there is a need to find new ways to improve the training of future specialists in the field of foreign language economics. It has been found out that the teacher’s use of motivational factors should become the basis for forming a steady interest in language study.

It is proved that the concept of "motivation" is a complex phenomenon in psychology and pedagogy and includes motives, needs, goals and intentions. This concept becomes the main pivot around which the main qualities of a professional are constructed. The formation of motivation is possible only when a person manag­es to link the goal with personal values.

The article emphasizes the need to organize training in such a way as to motivate students to learn foreign languages in order to be aware of the need to learn foreign languages for professional and personal growth. The application of motivational factors can become very important for the formation of a stable interest in the acquisition of languages by a future specialist. Awareness of students of the possibility of using of the acquired knowledge will contribute to the desire to study and learn languages. In addition, it is worth expanding for­eign language repertoire, taking into account regional needs, because knowledge of several modern foreign languages leads to better professional opportunities for employees of different levels at enterprises of different sizes in different spheres of the economy, contributes to economic growth and improvement of the financial condition of both the enterprise and the economy of the country.

Diversification of the business environment, economic integration, the spread of transnational corpora­tions, require professionals to know the foreign language at the perfect level to achieve a full understanding between business entities. The expansion of the prospects faced by graduates of higher educational institutions is increasing with the knowledge of any foreign language. Taking into account the fact that the study of for­eign languages in non-language higher educational establishments has some peculiarities and its orientation is determined by low communicative competence. The professionalism of an economist is determined by the high level of his business qualities, communicative competence and communication culture.

Therefore, the main goal of education is the optimal organization of educational and cognitive activities of students in foreign language classes using modern means and teaching methods, a flexible and individualized approach and the use of various ways to increase motivation, which will be the subject of further research.


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