The article states that the creation of the best conditions and resources for training, mastering of innovative technologies, information systems and modern information and communication technologies is necessary for ensuring the competitiveness of higher education institutions in the international educational services market. The article is devoted to the study of the actual problem associated with the use of information and communication technologies to support and support the research activities of students of higher education institutions. On the basis of the study of the experience of domestic and foreign scientists, the essence of the concepts “student scientific society”, “scientific circle”, “problem group” is analyzed. Research activities of students is one of the areas of training highly qualified specialists for further professional activity, which is a logical continuation and deepening of the educational process. In order to enhance the research activities of students, a set of cloud services for Google Suite for Education has been identified, which will facilitate the creation of an informational environment for the student scholarly community. The author points out that this package includes standard Google services and the Google Classroom management system. Features include Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs, Sheets and Slides, Google Forms, Google Books, Google Calendar, Google Keep, YouTube, Google Scholar. The features of the use of the Google Classroom management system to support the joint research and development of scientific circles and problem groups of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics are revealed. The participation of the Student Scientific Society in creating a motivational and informational environment for the research work of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics forms not only professional qualities, but also immerses a student in the substantive field of research.
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