• Zoriana Ihorivna Udych
Keywords: pedagogical worker of the educational establishment, inclusive competence, resource competence of a teacher, resources of an inclusive environment, inclusive environment of the general educational institution, resources of school with inclusive form of education


This article is a result of the study regarding the problem of training future teachers in Ukraine to work in conditions of inclusion. The article clarifies the concept of «inclusive competence» as a psychological, pedagogical, correctional and rehabilitative readiness and ability to organize an inclusive environment in the classroom, where pupils with special needs study, which involves the implementation of an appropriate educa­tional process, and interaction with all the subjects of this process. Also, for the first time, there was proposed the content of the concept of «resource competence of a teacher» – it is his ability to identify, produce, attract and use resources necessary for the effective functioning of an inclusive educational environment. Therewith, this article defines in details the content of proposed verb interpretations: to identify, to produce, to attract, to apply. The main pedagogical workers of the educational establishment with an inclusive form of education are: school administrators (director, his deputies), teachers, a psychologist, a social pedagogue, teacher assistants and school children assistants.

The concept of «resources», which is used in the educational sphere in various interpretations, was also analyzed. It was found that differences in the interpretation of this concept were still complicated by the gen­eral understanding and proper application of different types of resources in science and practice. The analysis of the resources necessary for the implementation and functioning of a general education establishment with an inclusive form of education was performed in the study. Their classification is proposed on the basis of the functional approach: spiritual, human, electronic and technical, which are divided into two groups – internal and external resources. There is also grounded a number of functions that perform the resources of an inclu­sive educational environment. They include: preventive, worldview, developmental, orientational, motivation­al, image, consumer, healthcare, organizational, communicative, recreational, teambuilding components. The classification of resources has been developed, which are necessary for the functioning of a comprehensive educational institution with an inclusive form of education, based on a functional approach.

Further research problems are the development of a model for the formation of inclusive competencies in future teachers, in particular, the resource one; definition of a system of criteria and indicators, levels of readiness to carry out pedagogical activities in a general educational establishment with an inclusive form of education.


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