The article deals with the question of the essence and features of academic mobility in the documents of the Bologna Process. It has been determined that mobility contributes to the growth of the quality of education, as well as to the formation of intercultural competence of students, provides the possibility of employment of graduates of higher education institutions. Academic mobility implies the possibility of studying at foreign universities for at least one semester with the subsequent return to the home country. The range of educational programs, specialties is being expanded, while scientific research intensifies, cross-cultural relations between countries are being established.
Academic mobility allows students, lecturers and administrative staff to take full advantage of the wealth of European academic space, including its democratic values, the diversity of languages and cultures, as well as the peculiarities of national education systems.
In the documents of the Bologna process there are identified the main requirements for the organization of academic mobility of students: knowledge of a foreign language; studying in a foreign institution of higher education for a limited period of time; enrollment of credits received abroad at the native university; broad information about academic mobility programs; use of the application to the diploma of a single sample.
The article analyzes a number of measures defined by the research documents aimed at creating conditions for the expansion and improvement of academic mobility programs, the development of its funding system and increasing of motivation of its participants.
The main approaches to organizing the academic mobility are: student-oriented, “education throughout life”, modular, credit. The implementation of these approaches stimulates the formation of an erudite, competitive, competent specialist, which is able to cooperate, to share knowledge and experience. These approaches to the organization of academic mobility of students have its own peculiarities in various educational systems, which are determined by the traditions and cultural characteristics of certain countries.
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