The article deals with the problem of inbreeding young scholars in the field of knowledge 01 Education/ Pedagogy in the process of their involving in the work of a scientific school. Being a social phenomenon of the science, academic schools are able to combine in a certain thematic space both experienced scholars and young scientists. The scientific school is an open community of scientists of different generations. It is an informal system which is capable under managing of a leader to carry out research tasks and programs. The works of scientists on the activities of scientific schools are analyzed, some leading tasks are determined, which the school allows to solve: formation of future researchers; development new ideas and projects by a group of scientists under a leadership of the leader; emergence of a direction in the science, due to which new traditions in the activities of research groups appear. It is accentuated that an essential feature of the scientific school is that it simultaneously implements the functions of production, dissemination, protection of scientific ideas and young scientists. The article reveals some aspects of the work of scientific school, its mission and vision. The main components of effective organization and activity of the scientific school are characterized: organizational and pedagogical peculiarities, selection of the content, expansion of the scientific environment, scientific reflection of its participants. As an example, it is presented an experience of activity Grinchenko Scientific School for Young Scholars of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University in the field of knowledge 01 Education/ Pedagogy. It is noted that thanks to the unity and systematic of the main components of the Scientific School activity essence (emotional, cognitive, active, reflexive), the following important tasks are realized: motivation of young people for a scientific activity; producing scientific knowledge (research and training); dissemination of scientific knowledge (interactive communication); training of gifted students (reproduction); expansion of the scientific environment and others.
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