• Inna Volodymyrivna Litiaha
Keywords: social work, social worker, social services, theories of social work, targeted social services


The article determines the relevance of social work in society and the significance of its role in the com­bination of theory and practice. Ananalys is of research in the field of social work by prominent scholars has been carried out.

The purpose of the article is the interrelation of theory and practice in social work and the combination of individual and group forms of work. In Ukraine, individual and group forms of work are implemented in accordance with the Law on Social Services. Social assistance in Ukraine is provided by social services, the purpose of it is to help people who are in difficult living conditions.

Today there are different theories of social work: general, eclectic, traditional, humanistic, socially orient­ed, the theory of crisis socialization, of behavioral changes, medical, environmental, psychotherapeutic and others.

In social group work three models are widespread – it is a therapeutic, socially oriented and model of mutual assistance, as well as work in groups, which provides a model of the potential development of a social environment that promotes the personal growth of clients.

As for the medical model, the work is carried out at the place of residence of the client, in rehabilitation centers and other institutions. The model of mutual assistance in Ukraine involves providing social services to people with alcohol, drug addiction and other categories of clients. The socially oriented model is aimed at problems in education, public self-governance, the problems of internally displaced persons and others. Social services are provided in our country by state and non-state sectors.

Malcolm Payne considers various models of social work in small social groups and at the macro level, which have a practical solution, based on theoretical knowledge.

The article also emphasizes the importance of family therapy, which is aimed at working with different family categories. It is important to involve a multidisciplinary team in providing social services.

Social work, both individual and group work, should cover all the client groups and take into account and analyze the various theories of social work that must be implemented in practice.


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