• Yulia Liubomyrivna Romanyshyn
Keywords: virtual communities, knowledge, knowledge management, information technologies, online education, social communications


The presented study introduces significant definitions and analyzes the existing trends and concepts in the field of knowledge management in the general context of online university-based education. It is made the explanation of the fact what we should understand today under the Web and WWW-concepts in the context of unified learning and work environments. Also it is determined the role of informational and software tools in the context of social communica­tions. Several concepts from the field of social virtual communities were considered and interpreted. The necessary definitions and tools were analyzed, which are applied in the field of software and informational support systems for virtual communities. It is shown that the modern level of information technology does not allow to interpret the phe­nomenon of virtual social communities in the context of knowledge sharing between participants, as a process with rigorous control and regulation. So, it is all about just creating a virtual learning environment that maximizes full and free exchange of knowledge among its participants, as well as the formation and creation of new knowledge and their essentials parts. The areas of learning and knowledge management, both real and virtual, should not be considered as separated from each other, but rather, attention should be paid to the links and features of knowledge management at all levels. Thus, the author’s analysis suggests that knowledge management in the context of online training should be seen today as a kind of integrated and interdisciplinary task that includes programmatic, informational and organiza­tional components such as creation, application, archiving and distribution of knowledge. In this context, knowledge management is classified as a process that takes place within an environment that is knowledge-oriented as much as possible, where such entities can adaptively evolve and provide content for the context-sensitive information needs of individual entities or objects, which generally enables the formation for the basis of new types of professional activi­ties. It is also important that the formation of new knowledge in particular, at the level of innovations, is proposed to be regarded as a two-way process with a hidden component in the form of implicit knowledge, which is rather difficult to model with today’s IT tools and formal means underlying them


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