• Oksana Yaroslavivna Tymofieieva
Keywords: critical thinking, future marine engineers, maritime higher educational institutions, professional communicative competence, knowledge integration, critical thinking development technology


The article discusses the features and ways of developing critical thinking in English classes for future marine engineers at maritime higher education institutions. It is stated that the basis of the educational and cognitive activity of the individual comprises the mechanisms of thinking in general and critical thinking in particular. Critical thinking is the foundation for the formation of the professional competence of a maritime higher education institution graduate. As crew members, future marine engineers should have the skills of predicting the activities of their subordinates and choose the most optimal and safe way to accomplish their professional tasks. It is noted that the development of critical thinking of future marine engineers at maritime higher education institutions is possible during maritime English classes. The application of critical thinking technology in English classes allows increasing the motivation to learn the English language in general and of professional communication in particular. This technology synthesizes the ideas and methods of teamwork and collective security. This system develops practical skills in dealing with information in the process of communication, reading and writing. It aims to accelerate the learning of basic skills of open information space, involvement in cross-cultural communication in the context of multinational and religiously diverse crews. The technology of critical thinking development involves three phases: the awakening phase (updating already existing knowledge and arousing interest), the understanding phase (up keeping the interest and direct work with the subject), and the display phase (creative and experimental work, comparative analysis and conclusions). In general, the technology of critical thinking in English classes develops the ability to get acquainted with numerous information sources (manuals, instructions, regulations, etc.), properly understand the obtained information, classify it in terms of importance and priority, critically review new knowledge and summarize. Utilizing this technology, the cadets use all the means of processing information in independent work, thus they are self-educated. The development of critical thinking in English classes can significantly increase the time of language practice for each cadet.


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