• Kateryna Mykolaivna Havrylenko
Keywords: distance learning, distance education, higher education, online course materials, professional competencies, professional training, university


The main criterion for the effectiveness of education in a higher educational institution is a high level of training. The quality of specialist training should meet the requirements established by the State educational standards requirements, which is possible due to the professional selection of educational material and the use of a range of teaching methods that contribute to the students’ training and have practical value for their future professional activities. The article is devoted to reviewing the organization of the professional training process and its implementation, which can be achieved by introducing modern pedagogical and computer technologies.

The paper discusses the role of distance learning as a system able to realize the educational modern requirements due to a more individual approach and learning process intensification. Traditional classroom teaching makes it possible to communicate directly with the teacher, provides familiar teaching methods, and receives immediate answers. But due to the lack of time, the teacher cannot answer all questions while through the distance learning system it is possible to conduct via the Internet. Also, the paper states that distance learning permits to change the pace, time and place of training employing computer technology in the educational process, which makes it possible to expand the range of independent professional training. The interactivity introduced by computer technology into the educational process permits to develop active forms of learning among which independent study is the most effective.

The implementation of distance learning courses in the system of full-time education is highlighted as a number of positive aspects ensure the effectiveness of distance learning for students’ independent work. The paper states that maximum outcome of professional training could be achieved through the distance courses organization due to the development of the special knowledge and skills acquisition without compromising on education quality. The distance courses are outlined as an interactive type of learning, which contributes to the educational process activation.

The paper outlines that the distance learning system consists of a range of methodological and organizational methods that permits to create individual and group training programs for different specialties, taking into account modern requirements, including the requirements of educational standards of the third generation.


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