Keywords: training, choreography, educational activity, structure, component, children’s choreographic team


The article describes the notion of educational activity of pupils of children’s choreographic collective asa specific type of purposeful activity on mastering the system of choreographic knowledge as informationto be mastered, choreographic skills and skills as ways of activity, experience of choreographic creativity,the interconnection of the processes of learning and mastering choreographic art. The structural components of the educational activity of the pupils of the children’s choreographic team were found out: motivational,target, activity-creative and reflexive-subjective.The motivational component of the educational activities of the children of the choreographic team reflectsthe system of motives (internal and external) that encourage children to engage in choreography, trainingneeds, mastering different types of dance, improvement, self-development, as well as the level of specialinterests and passion for their art, and active participation in the performing, improvisation and creative danceactivities. The target component of the educational activities of the children of the choreographic team reflectsthe process of goal setting, its detail and tasks aimed at mastering the system of choreographic knowledge,skills, understanding of future difficulties, conditions of the tasks, the scope of knowledge, techniques, meansand methods. The activity-creative component of the educational activity of the pupils of the children’schoreographic team reflects the system of skills as a set of ways of performing executive, improvisationaland creative dance activities. Reflexive-subjective component reflects the ability to control their inner world, toreflect, to possess themselves, their mood, facial expressions, gestures (self-regulation), the ability to quicklyrespond to the behavior of others, the ability to quickly make the right decisions in various difficult situationseducational – creative and especially festival-competitive stages of work of the collective.


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