Keywords: world perception, worldview, mentality, structure, environment, educational environment, upbringing, integrity, integration, mental state, awareness


In the article the author focuses on the guidelines of modern preschool and primary education on the personaldevelopment of the child, the formation of a conscious, valuable attitude to the environment, providingconditions for its spiritual growth. The concept of “worldview” is defined as a component of the multilevelstructure of the worldview of the individual. Scientific approaches to understanding this concept, definingthe features of children’s worldview are considered. Approaches to understanding this concept from the pointof view of various sciences are revealed. World perception as a pedagogical category is essentially integrative, as it is a means of describing and understanding personal, social, cultural, historical and educational phenomena,a multilevel structure that reflects the individual and socio-typological attitude to the external and internalworld of man in the variability of forms and ways of manifestation in this regard.It is noted that the world perception as a holistic process of cognition and understanding of the world aroundthe child includes various stages, periods, directions and due to the mental state of the individual and the natureof his life. It was found that the degree of children’s perception of the same natural objects or phenomenacorresponds to their mental state, intellectual development, formed moral and ethical norms of behaviorand activities in society, the purpose of which is the interaction of the individual with the environment. Itis established that the perception of the environment as a whole is important because it promotes the child’sawareness of its functional structure, which according to its laws regulates the diversity of phenomena orobjects. The concept of “worldview” is defined and its thorough analysis is carried out, as world perception isa component of its level structure: emotional-sensory (world perception), conscious-sensual (world perception),conscious (worldview), self-conscious (worldview as such). The term “worldview” is explained as a systemof views on reality, which determines the general direction of human activity and behavior and is the highestsynthesis of knowledge, practical experience and emotional assessments. It is found that the foundationsof the worldview are laid almost from the moment of a person’s birth, and the moral norms, ideals, principles,rules of behavior mastered by her are reduced to a holistic system that allows her not only to understandthe world, but also to find his place in it, her attitude to it and the meaning of her live. It is concluded thatchildren 5–8 years have not yet formed the fundamental foundations of worldview, so the purpose of educatingthe individual is to form the foundations of its structural components, in particular, worldview.


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