Keywords: spiritual security, social risks, legal culture, legal education, students, educational process of high education institutions


The article defends the position that the spiritual security of the Ukrainian population can be ensured only bya democratic legal society, built on the basis of legal competence and social trust of citizens, the demonstrationof a high civil position. One of the perspective ways to maintain sustainability, spiritual security in society and the implementation of the ideas of equality and non-discrimination is to increase the level of legal cultureand education.High education is seen as a factor in building the rule of law, where the legal culture of citizens is closelylinked to all elements of the legal system of youngsters’ legal culture. Students’ formation of the legal cultureis defined as a long process, implemented mainly in environment of high education institutions. It determinesthe degree and character of individual’s legal development in public legal culture. Its closely interrelated withthe legal personal education, including developed legal awareness, skills and abilities to realize own rights,and subject behavior to the requirements of legal norms.Based on the analysis of the scientific literature, the components of students’ legal culture are established.These are: respect the legal norms of society; availability the effective legal knowledge, legal norms; highculture, wide erudition; legal skills in the exercise of subjective rights and freedoms; personally motivatedconstant lawful behavior; social and legal activities.It is proved that there is a need to create an entire system of forming the students’ legal culture withthe use of various mechanisms to encourage civic activity of young people, the spread of students’ government,the development of forms of volunteerism and mutual assistance. The main structural components of the systemof formation students’ legal culture in higher education institutions are defined and characterized. Objectivecomponent (formation of all components the students’ legal culture on the basis of awareness and knowledgeprinciples, availability of legal assistance and support, individual approach and tolerant attitude; safety).Subject-subjective component (providing the educational services, consumers of educational services, as wellas educational stakeholders). Organizational and maintenance component (content of students’ education,specifics of educational work and the level of students’ self-government, etc.).


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