The content of the article focuses on the main tasks of conductor training, which are aimed at forming figurative thinking and developing musical abilities of students, teaching methods of mastering vocal and choral work and finding a conductor’s gesture, improving various activities of the conductor, teaching professional choral management skills. The purpose of the report is to reveal the methods and techniques of working on the technique of conducting with future teachers of music in the class “Choral Conducting”. The purpose of this discipline – the formation of students’ system of basic knowledge, skills and abilities to manage choral singing of children and adults, preparation for practical work with the choir. The preparatory and initial period should be considered as important stages of work on conducting technique, after all on them all basic practical abilities and skills in conducting technique are put and formed. Methods. The main methods and techniques of work on conducting technique at the preparatory and initial stages of work are considered. The efficiency of using a set of methods (visual, verbal-explanatory, emotional) for students to master the elements of conducting technique, starting from the first stage of the apparatus. Results and conclusions. As a result of the analysis, the specifics of conducting and choral training are singled out from the standpoint of becoming a future specialist in practice and the main tasks of the discipline are considered, which are aimed at forming figurative thinking and development of students’ musical abilities, activities of the conductor, including training in professional skills of choral management. It is the methodological foundations of conducting and choral training in the class of choral conducting that are of great importance in the professional development of the future teacher of music art.
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