The article presents a theoretical analysis of the personal-motivational component in professionalpedagogical competency of lecturers from technical universities. It conducts a comprehensive review of scientific-pedagogical literature on structural components of the personal-motivational component in the context of a competency-based approach. It comparatively analyzes pedagogical skills and professionalpersonal qualities of modern lecturers from technical universities. Despite many scientific studies on the structurization of teachers’ professional-pedagogical competency, there is still no single understanding of this concept’s components. The article presents an author’s approach to structuring professional-pedagogical competency of lecturers from technical universities. This approach singles out cognitive-intellectual, personal-motivational, functional-technological, social-communicative and reflexive-regulatory components. Besides, the article clarifies the main scientific approaches to considering semantically similar formulations of the personal-motivational component in professional-pedagogical competency and discloses its structural elements (values, motivational resources, a system of personally and professionally important qualities, pedagogical skills of lecturers). It indicates that the nature of lecturers’ motivational urges (motives, goals, ideals, interests, needs) determines the effectiveness of individual projects for developing professional-pedagogical competency. It finds that the groups of professional-pedagogical values (values-goals; values-means; valuesattitudes; values-knowledge; values-qualities) act as the elements of the personal-motivational component. Finally, the article concludes that every pedagogical skill is a complex synthetic quality. It combines certain professional-personal qualities which should be inherent in modern lecturers with a high level of professionalpedagogical competency working at technical universities.
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