At the modern stage of state formation in the context of Ukraine’s European integration progress,modernization of educational field taking into account requirements of the Bologna Process, the problemof formation of professional competence of future junior specialists in law is actualized. The multidimensionalinfluence on the process of becoming a professional requires finding the best ways to solve tasks of the theoreticaland methodological training of specialists of this profile. It becomes possible through the optimizationof vocational training of future junior specialists in law, in particular by means of using modern and effectiveinteractive pedagogical technologies. Problems of improvement of vocational training in the institutionsof legal education, improving the efficiency of the educational process requires not only revising the existing methodology of teaching disciplines of the professional-practical cycle, but also substantiation and verificationof pedagogical conditions, which are necessary for ensuring the success of ongoing activities.Based on the analyses of psychological and pedagogical literature and own pedagogical experience ithas been distinguished such pedagogical conditions of training of future junior specialists in law by meansof interactive technologies: immersing students in a professionally motivated environment through the useof interactive technologies; interdisciplinary integration of disciplines of the professional-practical cyclethrough the use of interactive forms and methods of study; practically oriented direction of training of futurejunior specialists in law in colleges; activization of individualized self-educational activity of students bymeans of interactive technologies.The use of interactive methods of study in teaching legal disciplines makes it possible to recreate and modelprofessional activities of junior specialists in law, stimulates, activates and intensifies educational activityand communication of students, gives an opportunity to test yourself in different types of role behavior, reducesthe distance between studying and real professional situations, teaches to control feelings and emotions,allows to expand and deepen the process of professional self-determination, self-improvement and creativedevelopment of students.
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