The relevance of the article is determined by the fact that the study of theorems and their proofs is oneof the main tasks of the school course of mathematics and, at the same time, an important methodical problem,as recently there has been a decrease in pupils’ interest in evidence. The purpose of the article is to clarifyand experimentally test the conditions for the effective formation of a component of the methodologicalcompetence of future mathematics teachers to teach pupils to prove mathematical statements. Duringthe pedagogical experiment the author used his own methodical tasks on the research topic, includingdemonstration of the main stages of work on theorems, test tasks, tasks for independent and individual work,presentations, QR-dictionary of research topic concepts, etc. To implement the experiment and determine its effectiveness, the following methods were used: analysis of normative educational documents,pedagogical observation, questionnaires of students, conversations with teachers, analysis of modular tests inthe discipline “School course of mathematics and methods of its teaching”, mathematical processing of resultsof experimental work. The conclusions of the research are certain conditions for improving the professionaltraining of future teachers of mathematics, namely: the formation of such a component of their methodicalcompetence as teaching pupils to prove mathematical statements. Among these conditions are ability tocarry out propaedeutic work; acquisition of deep and solid knowledge about the logical foundations of SCM,principles and methods of teaching pupils ready-made proofs and independent search by pupils for proofsof mathematical statements; using of a creative approach to the implementation of the main stages of work withtheorems; awareness of the significance and appropriateness of the application of different methods of provingtheorems; diversification by the professor of methods, means, forms of the organization of educational activityof students, etc.The prospect of further research is to determine the conditions for improving the effectiveness of the formationof other components of methodical competence of future teachers of mathematics.
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