Keywords: Ukrainian folk dance, national culture, choreography, ballet, choreographic school, movement, plastic, music, song


The article аnalyzes the sources and historical prerequisites for the development of national folkchoreography.The stages of formation and development of the performing school of folk-dance and balletin Ukraine are determined, the content and forms of folk choreography are analyzed accordingly, the placeand role of dance art in the cultural heritage of Ukrainians are determined.A galaxy of outstanding balletmasters who have contributed significantly to the development and promotionof choreographic art has been identified. Particularly noteworthy is the work of B. Nijinsky’s Movementand the School of Movement, which highlights the pedagogical and aesthetic views of the author and her attention to the use of characteristic dance in her ballets. Emphasis is placed on enriching the dance withnew movements and combining it with expressive means such as words, music, light, dance costumes,intercommunication, etc., which more clearly convey complex feelings and certain life situations.Much attention is paid to tracing the sources and ways of formation and development of the systemof training dancers from dance studios and schools to vocational schools and their founders I. Ivanitsky,D. Shirai, M. Pion, V. Verhovynets, M. Mordkin, B. Nizhynsky, O. Gavrilova, I. Chistyakov.Attention is paid to the construction and drawing of Ukrainian dances, their thematic orientation (story,household, religious, patriotic, dance, national, etc.).The separation of theatrical dance from everyday life and its transformation into an independent formof the performing arts – ballet is analyzed, as well as the further development of ballet by supplementing moralproblems with philosophical, fairy-tale subjects realistic, filling the national theme of the ballet performancesof “Lily” by K. Dankevych. Svechnikov, “Sorochinsky Fair” by V. Gomolyak, “Shadows of ForgottenAncestors” by V. Kireyko, “Dawn Lights” by L. Dychko, “Kamianar” by M. Skorik.It is emphasized that the foundations on which the performing school of folk-dance at the beginningof the twentieth century was based had deep historical roots, in particular folk choreography has always beenan integral part of the cultural development of the Ukrainian people.


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