Keywords: competence approach, skills of the XXI century, methods of preparing and conducting lectures, training of computer science teachers, multi-level tasks for the lecture, during the lecture and after it, LMS Moodle


The article reveals the author’s approach to the preparation and conduct of lectures in institutions of highereducation in a mixed learning environment. It is determined that the development of digital technologies,the introduction of information and communication technologies in the educational process, the spread of electroniceducational resources of open access, as well as the need to comply with the paradigm of competence-basedapproach in the process of training specialists determine the search for new forms of interaction between teachersand students. Based on the analysis of scientific research, it is revealed that the lecture as a form of occupation holds an important place in the system of training specialists for many centuries. Taking into account thatin the modern digital society, a lecture is no longer the only source of knowledge, its value from the sideof familiarizing students with the main scientific and theoretical provisions of the subject area is emphasized. Itis noted that reducing the number of hours for lectures and increasing them for independent work does not solvethe problem of students’ passivity while listening to lectures, because independent work is difficult to control,and in the absence of students’ motivation to learn and skills to learn independently, the quality of their trainingsignificantly suffers. It is proved that the use of interactive lectures is effective if students are first acquainted withthe material of the topic, if they have critical thinking skills and develop communication skills.The author notes that mixed learning contributes to the effectiveness of independent work, the organizationof various forms and methods of active learning and creative work of students, including during lectures.The results of experimental work on the implementation of mixed learning technologies in the preparationand conduct of lectures on the course “Methods of teaching computer science” are presented. It is offeredto implement author’s structure of preparation for lectures using the electronic environment LMS Moodle,examples of multi-level tasks that should be offered before the lecture, during the reading and after it. Theresults of the study allowed the author to conclude that mixed learning will make up a small temporary amountsof lectures through information support in the form of e-learning resources, ensure the setup of interactivecommunication between students and the lecturer in the learning process, and the use of Moodle helps educatorto fill a variety of course tasks and to configure the communication with students to increase productiveinteraction of the lecturer with the audience and test the level of mastering the material.


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