Keywords: interactive technologies, informatively-communication technologies, multimedia facilities, musical conversation, method of project


Purpose – to expose a role and value of innovative technologies in forming of artistic abilities of futureteacher of musical art.Methods. For the achievement of the put aim we used next methods: ground, generalization, systematizationof theoretical and practical material.Results. The specific of activity of future teacher of musical art is exposed in the article. Totality of generalartistic abilities of teacher is reflected; certainly, constituents of artistry of future teacher of musical art area culture, emotionality, imagination, thinking originality, capacity for improvisation, capacity for a vivid,emotional reincarnation. Innovative technologies that will assist forming of artistic abilities of future teacherof musical art are outlined. Musical conversation as form of musically-carrying out preparation of student isdescribed. It is shown that for forming of the personality spiritually-valued world of students, opening of themcreative potential to the teacher of musical art artistic abilities that during communication and musically-carrying out activity will need him are needed. Also determination of concept “innovative technologies” isgiven in the article, as technologies that is personality orientated, sent to personality, individual development,oriented to personality of every student; a concept “multimedia” is technology, that describes the orderof development, functioning and application of facilities of treatment of information of different types.Conclusions. It is found out, that the use of innovative technologies will assist the increase of efficiencyof forming of artistic abilities of future teacher of musical art; will assist far more productive organizationof different forms of musically-carrying out, musically pedagogic activity of students due to the use of differentreceptions of serve of educational material, use of different innovative forms and methods during realizationof employments. They positively influence on a self-education, self-development, self-perfection of students,that assists the effective forming of artistic qualities in turn.


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