The relevance of the study is determined by the need to rethink the experience of preparation and publicationof textbooks of the second half of the nineteenth century. The article emphasizes that the study of positive experiences of the past will optimize the main function of the textbook – educational, raise the educational roleof the textbook in society, strengthen its impact on the formation of civic values. Theoretical understandingof the process of publishing textbooks and manuals on literature is relevant due to the lack of domesticpedagogical literature generalizing research on this topic.The purpose of the article is to describe the textbooks on literature of the second half of the XIX centuryand the influences on their emergence of pedagogical ideas, which will further determine the trends of educationaland methodological support for teaching literature in secondary and higher school. The methodological basisof the study are approaches: system-chronological, culturological, axiological, comparative, retrospective.These approaches are based on a set of methodological principles, including: dialectical, systematic, historicism,chronological, personalized. The set of research methods is used in the work: general scientific, historicalpedagogicaland special-historical.The article states that the evolution of the textbook on literature is a complex and controversial process due tothe progress of science itself, as well as the development of the education system. This process was also influencedby factors generated by the general progress of material and spiritual culture of the second half of the XIX century.Thus, in the second half of the XIX century there were processes in the field of educational and methodologicalsupport, textbooks on literature, characterized by a number of features.During this time, significant progress was made in the formation and development of the textbook: a massivestable textbook appeared; formed a readership of educational literature. New vectors of development of the textbookof literature for high school are consistently transformed into certain principles of structuring: obligatory considerationof the history of literature, in contrast to the textbooks of the XVIII century, where the theory of literature dominated;the presence of detailed psychological and pedagogical justifications of literature, presented in educational textsand gymnasium programs; analysis of literary texts based on modern literature.All three structural principles indicate a new level of development of textbooks of literature, which gaveimpetus to a qualitatively higher level of educational and methodological support for teaching literature inthe early twentieth century.
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