Keywords: leadership, management, team leadership, educational institution, educational environment


The work is devoted to the problem of transition to a new concept of management (from administrationand management to leadership). The purpose of the article is to highlight the features of team leadership as a form of management of an educational institution, to identify factors and tools that affect its development, tooutline the factors of the influence of the educational environment on the formation of the management team.It is emphasized that team leadership is a promising form of educational institution management, as it is ableto respond adequately and quickly to changes in both internal and external environment of the educationalinstitution, to ensure more effective collegial management of educational institutions in conditions of instabilityand constant changes. It was found that team leadership is based on the principles of delegation of powerand cooperation, the use of a matrix organizational structure of management, the formation of a management team,effective teamwork in performing management functions to achieve goals of development and competitivenessof educational institutions in the market of educational services. It is proposed a model of development of teamleadership in an educational institution, which provides for the implementation of targeted, meaningful,organizational, effective components, taking into account changes in the external and internal environment. Itis determined that the development of the internal educational environment of the educational institution willpromote the development of management teams and the transition to team management through a numberof factors related to target orientations, socio-psychological support, introduction of a number of actionsand measures for team building and leadership development. It is paid the attention to the introductionof trainings on team building and the development of leadership in the educational institution. It is giventhe general stages of the organization and carrying out of such training for administrative staff, membersof pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical staff of educational institutions.


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