Keywords: author school, experimental educational institution, innovative educational institution, pedagogical system, educational environment


In the article on the background of the analysis of the methodology works and history, theory of pedagogy it isrepresented the viewing of an author school as the pedagogical phenomena. The multimanibility of interpretationof the outlined by the notion in the pedagogical science demands the learning of the innovative potentialof the author schools from the position of history, which gives the possibility to analyze the value experienceof the teachers-leaders and use it in the reforms of the modern educational paradigm. A part of the systemcreation of each author school is a founder, a leader – an author of own pedagogical system, which, in its turn,creates the basis and is realized in special educational environment of an author school. In the pedagogicalscience the author school is defined as an experimental educational institution or an original generaland pedagogical, didactic, methodical and up-bringing system of work. In the article, we except the theoreticalmaterial, it is made an analysis of the modern native author school by Vasyl’ Sukhomlynskyi. He doesn’tonly substantiate the theoretical fundamentals of his system, has constructed the conception and realized it inthe practical activity, has defined the subjects (teacher, pupil, family), an aim (forming of the general developed person), parts (mental, moral, civil, labour, physical, aesthetic, patriotic, іdea and political up-bringing),which propped up on the human fundamentals (cultural demands of a child; forming of culture of desires,eelings culture; сreation for a child of “life joy”; forming of the feeling of own dignity; creation of successatmosphere; the advantage of positive stimulus and reactions on the behaviour of a child under the negative;interaction of a school, a family, civil activity and others). A centre, an aim of pedagogical system by Vasyl’Sukhomlynskyi became a humanity, an attitude to the child as to the unique person, responsibility of the nature,responsibility of the culture, a base on the positive in a child, a creation of the success situation, an eddyingof knowledge, formation of joy notion, creation of the “intellectual background of school” and others. Itis analyzed the modern scientific issues, materials of periodic issues of the second part of the XX centuryand modern pedagogical press, archival materials.


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