The article describes the features of medical internship and clinical rotation of future medical professionals inChina during their studies in higher education. It was found that China has adapted to its own realities the experienceof advanced countries, such as the United States, Great Britain and Germany in preparing medical studentsfor practical activities during the internship. It is established that in Chinese universities obtaining a bachelor’sand master’s degree in medicine lasts 6 years, of which one year is allocated for an internship. The medical internship is the final stage in the training of medical professionals in China. Due to the internship, a future doctorconfirms his level of professional competence. Medical facilities in China are equipped with the best modernequipment necessary for students to undergo their medical practice. Qualified and experienced doctors, accordingto the internship program, determine the time of rotation of interns in all departments of the hospital, providecounseling and help to master practical skills. An analysis of the scientific and pedagogical literature has shownthat during the clinical rotation, students in China have the opportunity to acquire knowledge, skills and abilitiesby performing specially defined in each medical field clinical activities under the supervision of highly qualifiedand experienced doctors. The article states that the clinical rotations of Chinese students during their internshipdepend on the structure of the hospital and the availability of staff in each department. A study of the characteristicsof Chinese medical internships showed that a medical student rotates in different departments, such as internalmedicine, general surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics, ophthalmology, anesthesia, orthopedics,dermatology, etc., but before completing medical practice a student must choose the specialty for gainingsignificant experience in such areas as disaster medicine, heart failure therapy, cardiac surgery, cardiovascularmedicine, dental implants and prosthetics, minimal invasive gallstone surgery, comprehensive oncology treatment,comprehensive oncology treatment, anorectal surgery and cranial tumor surgery, where he can spend more time.It is established that after the completion of rotations, interns in China take exams, which include practical, oraland written work, to assess the level of clinical skills acquired during the internship.
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