Keywords: future educators, professional training, institution of higher education, foreign experience, pedagogical process, applicants for education


In the context of globalization trends of innovative development of the preschool education system,the problems of the content of professional training of specialists of preschool educational institutions, inparticular in foreign countries of the world, become especially relevant. Training a competitive in the labormarket, highly qualified, professionally competent, creative specialist who is fluent in the acquired skillsand abilities, strives for professional growth, social and professional mobility, is the important aspectof education system.The article reflects the current trends in education in the world, cultural centuries-old relations between thesecountries, the specifics of their cultural and national traditions and manifests itself in the value-based principleson which this training is based, in its structure, content and organization; the general and special in trainingof experts of preschool education abroad in modern conditions is revealed. Thus, preschools in Denmark areknown for the high quality of pedagogical work, whose activities are aimed at developing educational potential and the formation of psychological, pedagogical and social skills of children, stimulating their imagination,creativity and speech skills, involvement in cultural values and nature; the training of future educators inFrance takes place both in the institutions of higher education and in the system of secondary special educationand involves a change in the structure and content of education.In Germany, specialist training takes place in secondary special institutions, in particular, socialand pedagogical colleges. In the modern training of educators there is a strengthening of the methodologicaland didactic side, but in many respects it focuses on the didactics and methods of teaching primary school. Theresponsibility for the professional education of educators of the Belarusian preschool institutions is assignedto pedagogical colleges and institutions of higher education. The level of teacher training determines his socialstatus and includes: training of general educators; specialists in new specialties in colleges; educators forpreschool educational institutions of new types; social, correctional teachers, teachers-rehabilitation specialists,psychologists and heads of a separate profile; teachers-managers. The conditions of training of educatorsof preschool institutions China and Turkey are also characterized.


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