The practical experience of organizing and conducting a discussion club “Science around us” as oneof the effective forms of organizing extracurricular work of students is analyzed. For the competent conductof the discussion club, a certain stage of holding meetings and preparation for them is determined, which isof a recommendatory nature. Taking the proposed scheme as a guide, you can understand the basic principlesof working with a group, the emphasis and priority of stages.Purpose – to highlight the peculiarities of the organization of extracurricular work of students withinthe discussion club “Science around us”. Methods. The following research methods are used in the article: systematic analysis of psychological-pedagogicaland scientific literature, information sources on the research problem; synthesis and generalization of theoreticalpositions, which were revealed in the analyzed literature; generalization of own pedagogical experience, and alsothe analysis of practical experience concerning the organization and carrying out of discussion club.Results. The article analyzes the scientific, psychological and pedagogical sources to reveal the essenceof the concept of “extracurricular activities” of students. It is established that “extracurricular work” is a speciallyorganized, purposeful event to deepen and expand knowledge, the formation of scientific interests, a varietyof skills and abilities of students. The practical experience in organizing extracurricular work of studentsin GeoGebra on the basis of the organized discussion club “Science around us”, which is implementedat the Department of Informatics of Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G.S. Skovoroda,is highlighted. Popular science and physics and mathematics, modelling and research of models based onthe principle “I – You – We”, which is proposed and this principle is revealed.Conclusions. Considering the introduction of such a form of organization of extracurricular activities asa discussion club, it is investigated that the introduction of this form of education contributes to the formationof the desire for further education and self-improvement of future teachers of mathematics.
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