Keywords: national identity, ethnicity, semiospace, self-identification, self-realization, education


The article is devoted to the topical problem of adaptation of gifted children in the educationalspace of a modern school taking into account the multicultural environment formed by the contingentof students of different ethnicities and cultures. The author points out the need for pedagogical support of the adaptation of gifted students. Based on modern research in the field of philosophy, sociology, psychology,and semiosociopsychology, the author formulates the basic principles of adaptation in a multicultural societyof an educational institution.Sustainable development of society and security of the country can be ensured by the formation of nationalidentity in all members of society, which means unity of aspirations, coherence, and peaceful coexistence inthe perspectives. This is especially true for Ukraine, which today not only strives for sustainable developmentbut also is forced to defend its independence and integrity. In the conditions of modern civilization development,it is a question of formation in the person of so-called multilevel identity which, on the one hand, meansbelonging to a certain ethnic group that provides the person full disclosure of its abilities, and on the other –guarantees formation of the feeling of belonging to the wider community – the nation (multinational entity,united by a common historical destiny and the idea of security and development of their own state).Self-identification of the individual (or the formation of a multi-tiered identity) is important because it isthe key to its successful self-realization. It is closely linked to deep mental formations, the leading one beingethnic identity. This is especially true for the gifted person because talents can develop and fully ensure the selfrealizationof the individual, provided it is successfully adopted in society. The success of the adaptationof a gifted person in a multicultural society can be ensured under the condition of purposeful pedagogical support,the principles of organization of which are formulated in the article. It is noted that to reveal the giftednessof a person, his intellectual development should take into account the formation of the semiosphere related toethnicity, and the formation of national identity should be based on the formation of a common semiosphereof all participants in the educational process.


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