The article reveals the role of using a text-centric approach in the formation of rhetorical competenceof future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature, highlights the semantic characteristics of the basicconcepts of the study. The concept of “competence”, which is expressed in the readiness of the teacher to use internal and externalresources effectively to solve professional and pedagogical problems, is substantiated.The concepts of “text-centric approach”, “text”, “educational text” are specified, the concept of “textformingcompetence” is substantiated, it is determined that the text-centric approach gives the chance to studythe functioning of different types of texts, styles of speech according to a communication situation; it is provedthat the most relevant and promising are the perception, analysis, creation, production of educational textsof different styles, types, genres of professional and socio-cultural content speech.The structure of rhetorical competence is characterized as a hierarchy of three main components.The exceptional role of information on the linguistics of the text for the formation of rhetorical skills hasbeen identified. Emphasis is placed on the fact that this is facilitated by the text-centric aspect of learningthe Ukrainian language, which involves the systematic processing of texts of different types, styles, and genres,which certainly affects the improvement of rhetorical skills based on the principles of continuity and perspective.Emphasis is placed on rhetorical analysis of the text, which differs in its versatility, as it covers the wholework, from discourse analysis to the choice of words. The article states that the analysis of problematic,original texts teaches the understanding of speech subtleties, perception of non-stenciled utterances, developsthe sense of speech necessary for a speaker, teaches critical thinking and creating their own utterances, isan effective means of speech education for future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature and the methodof forming their professional competencies.We see the prospect of further research in the substantiation of the linguodidactic principles of competenceorientedlearning in the professional educational space of the future vocabulary teacher. The issue of developingan author’s model of forming the rhetorical competence of future teachers of the Ukrainian language by meansof information and communication technologies also requires further study.
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