Is provided theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature and legal framework, the relevance and ways to optimize the health function of education. The purpose is a theoretical analysis and general practical recommendations for physical culture and health work in the structure of educational institutions. Research methods: analysis, comparison, generalization; pedagogical observations, interviews, sample surveys, questionnaires; quantitative analysis of research data using methods of mathematical processing. Research participants: students and teachers of secondary schools of the city. The research was conducted in the context of educational activities of students in physical education lessons and extracurricular activities. Results. The system of physical culture and health and sports activities provided for the organization of extracurricular and extracurricular health, preventive educational activities, active recreation, relaxation, taking into account the workload, age and psychophysical development of students. Possibilities of pedagogical influence of the educational and improving environment and recreation are considered. There is a general description of the quest “Steps to Health”, the purpose of which is to involve students in active and regular physical education, education of a harmoniously developed, socialized personality. It is proposed to use in educational work the existing natural objects, historical monuments of the region for sports and recreation activities. The given examples of optimal forms of work, which have a positive effect on the formation of students' healthy worldview, confirm the data obtained from the study. The generalized practical recommendations concerning the organization of physical culture and improving work in general educational institutions in extracurricular time are stated. Conclusions. The use of various forms of measures for physical culture and health work, taking into account the psychophysical features provides a positive dynamics of the formation of a conscious attitude of students to physical culture, healthy lifestyle, health culture.
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