The article is devoted to one of the current problems, the peculiarities of the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students in the educational institution. It is noted that at present the issue of a healthy lifestyle has become especially relevant. Purpose: the characteristics are analyzed, which include a number of pedagogical means of forming a value attitude to a healthy lifestyle of student youth. It is established that the state of health of the young generation is one of the important factors in the health of the Ukrainian nation. It is noted that to provide students with sufficient information about the importance of a healthy lifestyle during the learning process. Methods: It is noted that low functional indicators in health and physical development play an important role in this issue. It has been found that diseases of the nervous system (neurotic disorders) and sense organs are common among the diseases. It is described that students have low emotional resilience, being in a state of stress due to learning and interpersonal relationships with classmates and teachers. Addressed a number of problems related to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems (pharyngitis, chronic tonsillitis), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis and cholecystitis) and musculoskeletal system. The main factors in the formation of a healthy lifestyle are considered, namely the involvement of students in physical education classes outside of school hours, the implementation in everyday life of scientifically proven recommendations on rational work, physical performance, rest and nutrition. The results drew attention to the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle in student youth depends on themselves and not on doctors and drugs. It is noted that medicine will not help if students neglect healthy life skills. The conclusions prove that the human body can be healthy only if you follow good health habits and clear principles (absence of bad habits, systematic tonic muscle support, hardening of the body, proper nutrition).
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