Keywords: music perception, emotional perception, emotional impact, feelings, emotional states, children’s emotional sphere, art, musical work, spiritual needs, musical art, personality


The article touches upon the problem of the influence of music on the personality of the childand the peculiarities of his perception. It is proved that the ability of music to influence a person depends notonly on the genre variety of the music itself, but also on various social and psychophysiological characteristics of the individual. The purpose of the research is to determine the specifics of music in the process of physical,aesthetic and spiritual education of a person. Research methods – analysis of literary sources on musicalpedagogy, theory and methodology of psychology, defectology and pedagogy; questioning of students. It isanalyzed that musical education, considering the physiological foundations of perception and performanceof music, is most successfully carried out on the basis of a special methodology that meets innate inclinations.The author’s approaches to the problem of the influence of music on the emotional, aesthetic and spiritualdevelopment of the younger generation are considered. Research results – analysis of author’s techniquesusing music on the human body. It is noted that a huge number of world and Ukrainian researchers and artiststurned to musical folklore and folk songs, the content centre of which is moral and spiritual values. The strengthof the emotional impact of a piece of music depends on the veracity of the artistic coverage of historicalmoments, the author’s manner, socially important glorified problems. Conclusions. It has been proven thatit is music that evokes an emotional response in children before other arts. The significant effects of musicpractice on muscle energy, respiration, circulation and blood pressure, pulse and heart rate are described. It isnoted that in the process of communicating with works of various musical genres, the aesthetic consciousnessand spiritual development of the younger generation is formed. It is noted that music lessons contribute tothe development of the creative abilities of the younger generation, because music inherently encouragescreativity, which is impossible without mastering a certain combination of specific knowledge, competenciesand skills. With the help of music, children reproduce and transmit their emotions and feelings in independentcreativity, multi-sided and comprehensively affects the personality, contributes to the creative self-realizationof the individual.


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