The article proves the relevance of special training of future teachers for pedagogical facilitation, whichis defined as a type of pedagogical interaction that provides conscious, intensive and productive development and self-development of its participants and which aims to create favorable conditions for the implementationof internal resources of each student.The result of professional training of future teachers for pedagogical facilitation is the appropriate training,which is defined as a stable integrative personal formation, that includes professional motives, goals, generaland professional knowledge and skills, personal qualities of the future teacher, that provide productiveinteraction with students and effective pedagogical support with them.The structure of the readiness of future teachers for pedagogical facilitation includes the followingcomponents: motivational-intentional (stable professional motives, needs, interests, values and attitudes;pedagogical orientation to facilitative pedagogical activity; positive attitude to the student as the highestvalue; desire for professional and personal self-satisfaction); cognitive-positional (knowledge of facilitation:the essence and mechanisms of facilitation interaction; ideas and provisions of personality-orientedlearning, ways of its implementation; principles of education; age-related and psychological characteristicsof students; knowledge of pedagogical conflictology); procedural and experimental (the presence of groupsof skills that are necessary for the implementation of pedagogical facilitation); personality-reflexive: (thepresence of professional and personal qualities necessary for the implementation of pedagogical facilitation).The pedagogical technology of preparation of future teachers for pedagogical facilitation is developedand substantiated, which provides realization of organizational-preparatory, stimulating-instructive, cognitiveactivity,praxeological-experimental and reflexive-corrective stages.
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