Keywords: university teacher, psychological portrait, personality, creation of a model, survey


The presented article analyzes the results of research on modeling the psychological portrait of a modern university teacher. It is emphasized that the reforms and changes that are constantly taking place in the higher education system also apply to the requirements for teachers, including their personality and psychological portrait. Emphasis is placed on the relevance of developing a model of a modern teacher psychological portrait as a tool for self-development, as a standard for correct assessment of the quality of teaching work. It is noted that the introduction and application of such a model will improve the quality of educational services in Ukraine. The main directions and features of professional activity of the university teacher are revealed. The list of personal qualities of the university teacher which influence efficiency of his professional activity (educational, methodical, scientific, organizational, educational, etc.) is offered. The detailed results of the survey of students, research and teaching staff and administration of higher education institution on such components of a modern teacher psychological portrait as temperament, character, pedagogical abilities, pedagogical orientation (motivation), communicative competence, emotional intelligence, moral qualities, volitional qualities, self-control, self-esteem are presented. It was determined that, according to the opinion of students, a university teacher should be a sanguine, extrovert, young person, with strong pedagogical motivation and highly developed communicative qualities, tactful, tolerant. It was established that for teachers themselves it is important to have a desire to transfer knowledge and experience, they pay attention to their own motivation, pedagogical orientation. The results of a survey of representatives of the administration of higher education institution are presented: sociability, decency, determination, responsibility, erudition, self-love make up the psychological portrait of a modern teacher. Based on the conducted research the model of a modern university teacher psychological portrait under the name ‘SOCIABLE MASTER’ was offered.


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