Keywords: environmental education, live nature, flora, roadside plants, environmental activities, natural environment, natural science knowledge


The article considers the problem of ecological education of junior schoolchildren during acquaintancewith the plant world.The most actual problems of the present, which affect every inhabitant of the planet and on which the futureof mankind depends, include environmental problems.The analysis of the ecological situation on our planet shows that the current crisis has covered the spheresof human thinking, its ecological consciousness and practical activities. The global destruction of nature isonly a by-product of the destructive activities of society. The essence of the modern ecological crisis is not onlythe separation of human from nature, but also the stubborn reluctance to realize that humanity can survive only by realizing itself as an integral part of nature. Environmental education, which should be directed to the future,based on the idea of harmony of nature and human will help us to understood the problems of the environmentrequires. An experienced person is able to understand and assess the consequences of activities in nature, tochoose ways out of an unpleasant situation.As the population increases, the growth of anthropogenic impact on the nature of cities increases.It is known that one of the main sources of environmental pollution is vehicles. The exhaust gases of carsinclude: carbon monoxide, heavy metal compounds and other toxic substances for living beings. Plants playa significant role in capturing harmful substances. The first plants that are a barrier to harmful pollutants invehicles are roadside plants. They help clean the air, protect the city’s atmosphere from toxic substancesand traffic noise, trap dust and prevent it from spreading.In order to draw the attention of younger students to the problem of human impact on the ecologicalcondition of roadside areas with their plant community, it is necessary to form a system of natural scienceknowledge that will promote respect for nature, including flora as an integral component of nature.Mastering specific knowledge will help to attract younger students to the best possible environmental workand to educate an environmentally conscious person.


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