The article considers the problem of features of experimental-research activity of children of senior preschoolage. Despite of study and innovation of technology, there is a contradiction, which lies in the wide range of opportunities for its main tasks in preschool education and conservatism of educators and unwillingness tokeep up with the times. The purpose of the research is to study the peculiarities of the formation of cognitiveactivity of older preschoolers and acquaintance with the natural environment in the process of experimentalresearch activities. Material and methods of research: theoretical analysis of scientific literature and normativedocuments, comparison, method of content analysis, observation, methods of mathematical statistics.Results. The content analysis of the key concepts of the research “experimental research activity”, “experimentalactivity”, “research activity” and “research activity” is carried out. It is established that these concepts haveinsignificant differences and therefore we consider them synonymous. Based on the identified common featuresformulated his own vision of the essence of the concept of “experimental research”. Criteria (motivational,cognitive, activity), levels (high, average, low) and indicators of experimental research activity of children of seniorpreschool age in the natural environment are singled out. The author’s program of formation of cognitive activityof children of senior preschool age in the course of experimental research activity is developed. On the basisof ZhDNZ No. 3 of Zhytomyr scientific research is carried out. Conclusions. The dynamics of the results beforeand after the experiment showed a positive result of the developed author’s program. Thanks to experimentalresearch activities, children’s interest in animate and inanimate nature increases, natural science material is betterassimilated, and skills of consistent performance of actions are formed. Also, experimenting with natural materialdevelops memory, imagination, thinking, ability to work in a group and others.
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