The purpose of the study is to carry out theoretical and methodological analysis and determine the componentsof readiness of future specialists in hotel and restaurant business for professional activities. Research tasks:to analyze the development status of the problem of readiness of future specialists in hotel and restaurant forprofessional activities; to systematize and determine the components of readiness of future specialists in hoteland restaurant business for professional activity. General scientific methodological approaches (systemic, situational, complex) and research methods were used – abstract-logical method, analysis and synthesis,analogies to clarify the concepts of “readiness components”, “readiness components of future specialists inhotel and restaurant industry for professional activity”. Results. “Readiness of the future specialist in hoteland restaurant business for professional activity” is interpreted by us as a result of training at of pre-higherprofessional and higher educational institutions of various forms of ownership, customers’ of educationalservices mastery of professionally oriented knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies that establish theirliability for demands of providing various services to clients of hotel and restaurant enterprises; is basedon conscious abilities to the chosen profession, reflection; provides the ability for research and innovation,continuous self-development and self-education throughout life. The scientific works of Ukrainian scientistson the problems of training future specialists in service, hotel and restaurant business and tourism in highereducational institutions were analyzed, the components of readiness for professional activity were considered.Main components of readiness of future specialists in hotel and restaurant business for professional activitywere determined, namely: motivational-value, cognitive-semantic, operational-procedural, complexfunctional,reflexive-safe. Conclusions. Theoretical and methodological analysis of the researched problemmade it possible to generalize and single out the main components of readiness, as well as to determinethe dynamic relationship between them. Dependence of hotel and restaurant training on the realities of today,development of the modern economics and scientific-technological progress is determined.
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