Keywords: professional education, pedagogy, economic education, higher education institution, Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University


Article considers the role of cultural competence of a specialist as a mandatory professionally importantquality that ensures the effectiveness and success of an individual's activities and abilities. It is proved that the team of applicants for Higher Education has special characteristics: social and professional orientation (toget a profession), common interests, goals, due to the attitude to the profession with different motivation foreducational and professional activities; uniformity in age characteristics and level of Education; dynamismin accordance with the sequence of training from course to course; a high degree of self-organization, selfmanagement.The article analyzes the creation of a spatial and subject component of an enriched socioprofessionalenvironment that models the socially competent behavior of future economists, the organizationand conduct of various events: competitions, projects on socially significant issues. Applicants worked onthe creation and subsequent protection of social Posters, Presentations, and videos, which, in turn, provideda socially significant design of the institution and its classrooms. The main attention is paid to the areasof creating an enriched social and professional environment as interaction with the Student Parliament,coordination with it of the main measures for the formation of cultural competence of future economists.After all, the Student Parliament, as an important representative body of self-government of higher educationapplicants, ensures the right and opportunity to independently decide on education and everyday life, protecttheir rights and interests, and participate in the management of an educational institution. Article analyzesthe creation of a social and professional environment on the example of the work of the Kherson Stateagrarian and economic University, where applicants for higher education are involved in many educational,organizational and scientific projects.


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