Keywords: monitoring, stages of the professional readiness, continuous training, professional training, inclusive education


The article considers the problem of monitoring the professional teacher’s readiness to work in an inclusiveeducation environment. A review of scientific research was conducted and the methods of the professionalteacher’s readiness to work in the inclusive education environment were developed, because the systemof continuous teacher’s training to work in the inclusive education environment needs developmentand implementation of monitoring the professional teacher’s readiness to work in the inclusive educationenvironment. It is proposed to interpret monitoring as a system of continuous, scientifically and methodologicallyapproved observation of the dynamic of professional and postgraduate primary school teacher’s training to workin the conditions of inclusion and correlation the quality of this training with the predefined criteria, indicatorsand stages with the further prolonged development of mechanisms and procedures of reaching this criteria. Itis indicated that that development of the program, methodology and algorithm of monitoring the professional teacher’s readiness to work in inclusive education conditions foresees taking into account the componentsand criteria of teacher’s readiness, the conditions, components and functions of the postgraduate educationof teacher. Monitoring of the professional teacher’s readiness to work in inclusive education conditionsforeseed the goal, task, the principles, stages, diagnostic’s toolkit, stages and forms; it was carried out inthe form of the survey, test, interview and self-diagnosis. It was marked that the methods offered by us foreseedthe implementation of the stages of teacher’s professional readiness, on the basis of monitoring’s data. Withthe help of the developed diagnostic toolkit we made monitoring in the experimental educational institutionswhere 462 students (257 bachelors and 205 masters) and 162 teachers took part. We made a resume inthe absolute and relative measurements according to the bachelors masters and postgraduate stages. Accordingto the monitoring’s results we made a conclusion and defined the main differences between the target groupsof the respondents of the research and marked the need to provide the scientifically proved and empiricallyverified the measures of scientifically methodological accompaniment.


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