Keywords: methodical competence, applicant of higher pedagogical education, computer science teacher, professional training, teaching methods


The article reveals the content of methodological competence of future computer science teacherstaking into account the methods of teaching the subject, describes its importance in the training of higherpedagogical education on the basis of analysis, systematization and generalization of information in scientific,methodological, psychological and pedagogical literature. It is noted that the expediency of distinguishingbetween the concepts of methodical competence of the teacher and methodical competence of the futureteacher. The methodological competence of the future teacher of computer science, who receives professionaleducation under the educational-professional program Secondary education (computer science) is investigatedas: the purpose and result of methodical training of the applicant of higher pedagogical education; activitycharacteristic, which integrates subject, psychological-pedagogical, informational, methodical knowledge and skills, acquired experience, professionally significant personal qualities of student; dynamic personaleducation that promotes self-development and self-improvement; ability to effectively construct the educationalprocess in computer science in secondary education for a wide range of pedagogical situations in the contextof school discipline; readiness for independent and responsible performance of methodical activity, jobresponsibilities of a computer science teacher. The formation of methodological competence of the futureteacher is a holistic process at the bachelor’s and master’s levels, which ensures the unity of subject, information,psychological, pedagogical and methodological training in higher education.Methodical competence of a computer science teacher is not a permanent formation, due to the fact thatits formation is influenced by a number of factors, including modern society’s requirements for the teacher’spersonality, professional functions of a computer science teacher, dynamic development of computer scienceas a science, updating the structure and content of computer science. as a school discipline. The resultsof a survey of students to determine: methods and techniques of teaching that are effective in the formationof methodological competence in the study of methods of teaching computer science (76% of respondentspreferred to solve methodically oriented problems); components of the process of formation of methodologicalcompetence in a higher education institution (72% of respondents noted the practical mastery of methodsof teaching computer science).


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