Keywords: design, model, model of development of intercultural competence, professional competence, professional preparation of future master’s degrees of military management, intercultural competence, intercultural communication


The relevance of the study is due to the introduction of changes and innovations, the transition toa competency-based educational paradigm, which causes changes in the direction of development, reorientationfrom knowledge-centric to the creative component, strengthening technology in higher military education,interactivity, intersubjectivity, creativity educational and professional training programs for future military managment masters. Despite the large number of pedagogical and psychological works devoted to the studyof the development of intercultural competence, it should be noted that in the field of higher military educationno model of development of intercultural competence of future military management masters has beenproposed. The author’s model of development of intercultural competence of future military managementmasters in professional training is presented in the article; the main blocks (structural components) of thismodel are given and substantiated; outlines the main factors that determine the importance of the developmentof intercultural competence in modern conditions; the means and tools that ensure the maximum efficiencyof the model implementation are identified.Purpose. The aim of the article is description of development model of intercultural competence of futuremilitary management master’s in professional training.Methods. Such methods of research are applied in the article, as: analysis of the systems and scientificliterature, informative sources on issue of research; synthesis and generalization, design.Conclusions. The development of intercultural competence of future military management masters will befacilitated by a combination of innovative, traditional, interactive technologies, and the use of the case methodwill contribute to the improvement of soft skills that affect the effectiveness of intercultural communication.The developed author’s model will contribute to the achievement of a high level of development of interculturalcompetence of future military management masters and orientation to self-realization. Introductionof the author’s model of development of intercultural competence provides transition from ethnocentric viewto ethnorelativistic perception of other cultures based on acquisition by subjects of intercultural competenceand ability to interact in the difficult intercultural (multicultural) environment.Knowledge of the principles and foundations of intercultural communication, perception of differencesof other cultures, tolerance of their understanding, improvisation, application of communicative strategies,cultural empathy, awareness of different contexts of emotions, ability to conduct intercultural dialogue arethe basic characteristics of future military management masters. The introduction of such a model in the systemof professional training of future military management masters, its approbation in the educational process willdetermine the prospects for further research.


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