Keywords: auding, listening comprehension, distance learning, inverted classroom, flipped classroom, authentic materials, students’ independent work, technology in education


The listening comprehension process is complex and multifaceted. The effectiveness of understanding a foreign spoken language is determined by many factors of physiology, psychology, psycholinguistics, linguistics. According to practicing teachers, training listening comprehension is always a more difficult task than training other types of language activities. The lack of a foreign language environment makes it extremly difficult to develop the listening skills, as it requires some willpower, mental and intellectual effort, and therefore does not usually provoke positive emotions. The article highlights the most important problems of teaching listening to students of non-linguistic specialties of higher education institutions. It contains a list of skills that the students of non-language specialties must have in accordance with the requirements of language competence in listening. The difficulties that students face during the process of listening are pointed out. Ways to control the comprehension of the information they had heard are offered. The criteria for selecting material for listening are given. It is emphasized that training listening should be based on a large amount of authentic texts. Another important methodological issue that arises when it comes to teaching listening is the use of technical teaching aids. There is no doubt about the expediency of using Internet resources during training listening in higher educational establishments. The main purpose of using the World Wide Web for the formation of speech competence is to create modern learning conditions for students, develop their interest in learning a foreign language, encourage them, expand their knowledge and experience. Therefore, the article supports the feasibility and possibility of using blended learning technology, namely the model "flipped classroom" for teaching listening in distance education. The essence of this model, ways of its realization, stages of use are described. Examples of tasks that should prepare students for listening and tasks to test comprehension of the material that has been heard are given. The advantages of using this model in training listening in both traditional classroom and distance learning are indicated. Some difficulties in its use are also listed. It is shown that the "flipped classroom" model can be effectively used not only in lecture courses, but also in teaching more communicative disciplines, such as foreign languages, and more specifically for training listening skills. In order to help teachers in the selection of listening materials, recommendations are given on the use of some useful Internet platforms. Prospects for further scientific and practical research on this topic are identified.


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