Keywords: linguodidactic objectives, teaching model, information technologies, psychological and pedagogical conditions, professional foreign language speech competencies


The article reveals the conceptual approaches to improving the content and organization of professional foreign language teaching in technical higher educational establishments. The purpose of the study is to consider the role of information technology and to determine the psychological and pedagogical conditions in the formation of professional foreign language speech competencies of future technical specialists. Research methods: method of theoretical analysis of normative educational documents and scientificmethodical works on problematic issues of pedagogy teaching methods; synthesis of educational and methodical ideas; generalization of own pedagogical experience; methods of generalization, systematization for formulating of scientific research conclusions. Results. The main attention of the publication focuses on theoretical and practical aspects of professional foreign language teaching of future technical specialists, the formation of professional foreign-language speech competencies on its basis. The views of psychologists and teachers on the problem of introducing information technologies into the process of teaching a foreign language for professional purposes are studied. The study of the peculiarities of the formation of professional foreign language speech competencies by means of modern information technologies is conditioned by the search for effective methods of teaching a foreign language in technical higher educational establishments. In the process of learning a foreign language with the use of information technologies, important psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional foreign language speech competencies are identified. Besides, the main linguodidactic objectives have been defined, the solution of which is facilitated by the introduction of information technologies in the process of foreign language learning. Changes in traditional teaching model of the process of professional foreign language training using information technologies are considered. It is noted that the essence of learning in the new model is not the transfer of information, but the students’ ability to independently acquire knowledge, form and improve their speech competencies, communication skills and habits. Conclusions. The content of foreign language training for future specialists in technical higher educational establishments is the formation of professional foreign language speech communication competencies that contribute to the development of professionally oriented speaking skills, mastering the profession, increase labor efficiency and positively affect business relations.


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