The article is devoted to the discussion of problems and tasks that are relevant for the higher schoolof Ukraine. One of the main tasks is achievement of a higher level of new knowledge acquisition in the currentsituation related to quarantine. The article attempts to consider some problems and risks of the current situationin the education of foreign students who came to Ukraine. Modern conditions of existence and functioningof the entire education system are associated with the implementation of distance learning, which has become a kind of methodological and behavioral challenge for both teachers and students. Now Ukraine is activelyworking to overcome certain problems related to this problem. Most of the participants in the distance learningprocess are frightened by the lack of feedback, which was previously provided by the student’s personalcontact with the teacher and took place in a familiar environment. Speaking about the foreign studentscurrently studying in Ukraine, it should be noted that studying abroad forces these young people to adapt notonly to the new language and cultural environment, but also to completely unknown rules and norms. And thisapplies not only to the obligatory/optional attendance of classroom classes, forms of control, working withacademic obligations, etc. A serious problem for both teachers and students was the attendance of distancelearning, which dropped significantly during the quarantine. Among the facts influencing the activityof students’ participation in distance learning, it should be noted, first of all, the psychological impact of a hugeamount of negative information, increasing depression among students and some frustration with futurelearning outcomes. Another important negative factor is low self-discipline and unwillingness to participatein a new form of learning without the usual coercion from the family or teacher, which often leads to lossof responsibility. Among the main indicators that should be taken into account when preparing and planningdistance learning are the ethnicity of students and their willingness to accept the opportunity to study withoutthe usual presence of the teacher and outside the usual material objects. That is why, according to the majorityof practicing teachers, in general pedagogy and methods of teaching foreign languages it is necessary to usean anthropocentric approach that takes into account the characteristics of certain ethnic groups of students inorder to create methodological tools for managing pedagogical interaction.
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