Considering the modern conditions of educational development, insufficient attention is paid to the independent motor activity of primary school students and directly to the independent performance of physical exercises in extracurricular activities. The article is devoted to the analysis of psychological and pedagogical research of the problem of organization of independent physical exercises in extracurricular activities of primary school. The article considers the essence of the concept of independence. The accepted thesis is that independence should be understood as a generalized characteristic of the activity of a junior schoolchild, and physical development as a controlled natural process of increasing the functional capabilities of primary school students. Forms of independent classes in school and out of school in physical education are recommended, namely: morning hygienic gymnastics; exercise during the day; sports breaks; independent physical exercises at the place of living. The state of use of physical exercises by students of primary school in independent activity is revealed. Thus, from first to fourth grade there is a tendency to reduce the number of students engaged in independent physical activity. The reasons for students’ refusal to exercise in independent physical activity are analyzed. It is indicated that the main reason is the lack of desire to exercise. The algorithm for students’ independent work with physical exercises is proposed. Thus, it is recommended to follow the following sequence of actions: determining the state of health and level of physical fitness, formation of pedagogical tasks, selection of general and special physical exercises, and implementation of tasks, planning and implementation of tasks, evaluation of work results. Elementary school students are offered the rules of independent exercise. To increase the efficiency of preparation of independent classes, develop requirements for compiling sets of exercises for independent motor activity of primary school students.
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